Managing, optimizing and designing energy is becoming a big strategic issue in every business line.
Nowadays, while research is focusing its attention on the development of new technologies, in the market place there are many convenient and mature solutions to produce energy from renewebles.
This means that planners must widen their horizons and knowledge, in order to gain the right comprehension of all the economic, applicability and sustainability aspects, and than properly suggest and critically choose the best options as possible.
Knowledge is a fudamental part of market and professionalism.
In this point of view, Centro Studi Qualità Ambiente (CESQA) – Engineering Chemical Processes Department – presents Energiabilità. The initiatives is part of the BEST RESULT ( www.bestresult-iee.com), a european programme for the implementation of a common strategy able to develop, on a local scale, the market of the reneweble energy technologies applicable to buildings.
Objectives. The objective of this specialization course is to give designers and planners with the basic elements to best manage and apply the main reneweble energy technologies applicable to buildings. This means get directly in touch with the main technical, project and financial-economic aspects of sustainable design, gaining the skills to manage them all in one
To whom this course is addressed
The course is open to anyone who got a degree and is designed for those people who want to get a specialization in the topics of reneweble technologies applicable to buildings; in particular:
- Professional men working in the building sector;
- Professional men working in the energy installation sector for buildings;
- Territorial and city planners;
- Pubblic administration consultants and delegates;
- Energy manager.
Course language is Italian.
The course cover the following topics:
- solar-thermal , solar-pv, energy from biomass, mini-eolic, geothermal: running, technical issue ed applicability, economi evaluation, future developments, case studies;
- Bio-compatibility ed efficiency of the cover;
- European, national and local legislative panel;
- Methodologies for the assessement of the single building or the local areas energetic performances;
- local intiatives and tools for the development of the renweble technologies applicable to buildings;
- private an public financing
The course foresee:
- classes: in order to help the discussion between participants and teachers;
- E-learning: the participants, thanks to a dedicated web-platform, will be able to attend part of the lessons directly from home or from their workplace (pc-workstation and internet connection required).
- Visits to plants and installations in order to better get in touch with the technologies studied in the course.
The course is structured in modules for a total amount of 190 hours in order to give workers the chance to attend all the lessons and the planned activities.
The lessons will start by the end of January and will last till the half of July.
Lessons are every week and last 1,5 days: one day lessons every two weeks will be class the others will be on the e-learning platform.
Classes will be performed in Padua.
Submission will be closed by the 30th of December 2006
Best Result

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